The second trimester

As the threat of a miscarriage passes, a mother feels more confident in her pregnancy. These months are generally calm and comfortable, with less nausea and the affirming swell of her body. The highlight of the second trimester is the moment of first sensing baby’s movement, “quickening”. It is recognized at about 20 weeks for the first time mother but may be felt a little earlier with subsequent pregnancies. For many, this is a pivotal moment of connection with their baby and another level of proof that the pregnancy is real.

Concurrent with this heightened awareness of her child, she tends to turn inward. Sometimes misunderstood as being overly sensitive, this introversion is a phase that allows mother to adjust to the changes in her body and her life. It is a focus on herself that helps to generate energy for the strength needed to safely carry this baby through the next months and to prepare for labor, birth, and plan for all the changes involved with the coming of a new little one. During this time of contemplation, she may become tearful without apparent cause and also experience deep joy. A myriad of emotions comes into play, partly fueled by hormonal changes.

A sensitive partner will recognize that this is a normal process and respond with increased tenderness and care as they both integrate the challenges of this extraordinary time.

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