Newborns and cold weather

Just a brief reminder that in the first month of life, baby’s ability to regulate her body temperature is not well established. She may need more clothing than an older infant. Checking her temperature with a thermometer will be a definitive assessment but touching her fingers may also give you a good indication of her warmth. She may need to wear a soft, thin cap to help reduce heat losses from her head. And if she is a little cool, skin to skin holding with a light blanket over her on your chest is a great way to help her recover. Of course, avoid taking her outdoors when it is extremely cold.

Class: Saturday February 27 9:30 am to 11:30 am

Class focuses on caring for your newborn baby, beginning with understanding the adjustments baby must accomplish after leaving the womb. We will talk about his unique sensory capabilities and his ability to communicate with us through behaviors such as sneezing, changes in color and muscle tone. Recommendations for newborn care are evidence based.

Class size is small so you will have very individualized attention and I will attempt to answer every question. There will be no charge for the class. Grandparents welcome. Please contact me ( if you plan on coming. I hope to see you at the beautiful Beginnings Birth Center.

Photo by Laura Garcia on