
Over the last few years, there has been an increase in this diagnosis, which can make it very difficult for baby to breastfeed. I have met heroic parents who have struggled to nourish their baby as they waited to have this condition confirmed. It can be very challenging. But surgery is a serious choice and does not come risk-free. If there is a question of your baby having “oral ties”, I know you will want to do some research. Here are two sources to get you started.

Child Abuse Prevention Month

Let’s go a bit further and declare this Celebrate Children Every Month. In my perfect world, the waters would part for the Little Ones. How about:

  • Letting that Mom and baby move to the front of the line
  • Really slowing down through school zones and side streets where kids are playing
  • Watch out for bikes, especially this early in the season
  • Waving back at the child waving to you from the car window
  • Offering to help the parent trying to shop with a melting down toddler
  • Bringing dinner or a treat to a family with a new baby and/or new to your neighborhood
  • Offering to baby sit for friends
  • Organizing a regular play date at the park